Drunk on someone else's love
5am again, drunk on someone else’s love, or couch, and I’ve never felt more at home. I fled myself, from the life I’ve built because I’ve...
Drunk on someone else's love
Top 12 Mary Oliver Quotes And Poems
Losing people you love
i’m not trying to be cute, i’m trying to be honest.
I'm trying, as I always will
when i fall from earth, remember me by this
i will be a writer now ...
Loneliness is so hard when you’re left in it
My Favorite Andrea Gibson Quotes & Poems
Writing from The Road
The Year I Changed My Own Character
If you say I have something to fight for, I will fight.
it could have been so beautiful
My favorite Charles Bukowski poems
I would go places, they said, once.
Growing up is a wonderful thing to do
become one with the current.
with the stars above me
The Sweetest Rain
Another Vagabond Lost To Love